We are pleased to be able to offer a limited number of in-person poultry health, management, and biosecurity workshops. Our presentation team consists of one of British Columbia’s board-certified poultry veterinarians that specializes in small flock poultry health, and a professional agrologist who is also one of the few American Poultry Association licensed poultry judges in Canada. Workshops are flexible to fit the needs or preferences of the audience, and can be catered to specific requests.

We will work closely with a local workshop volunteer who is familiar with the venue location, audience, and knowledge requirements.

Workshops are full day events, and will cover the following core topics:

  • Poultry biology and physiology
  • Management and housing practices
  • Poultry biosecurity principles
  • Regulations and requirements
  • Introduction to common poultry diseases
  • Disease prevention
  • Resources available to small flock owners

Some of the optional topics that can be covered, depending on the audience preferences include:

  • Poultry breeds and breed selection
  • Basics of incubation and brooding young poultry
  • Species-specific sessions (e.g. turkeys, game birds, waterfowl, exotic birds, etc)
  • Specific disease profiles (e.g. Avian Influenza, Infectious Laryngotracheitis, Bronchitis, etc.)
  • Poultry nutrition and feeding
  • Vaccination and treatment
  • And many more!

Attending a workshop we are hosting? Here is what you need to know:

  • You must register ahead to attend. We typically require everyone to register a minimum of 5 days ahead of the event to ensure we have enough food! Yes, we are thankful to our funders to be able to provide coffee, snacks and lunch for attendees! Be sure to indicate any dietary conditions on your registration.
  • Bring paper, a pen and an open mind. Be ready to engage with your peers as we want you to get to know each other and interact with others from your community. We value the experiences of all poultry owners and encourage an open and honest dialogue amongst all participants. We always come away learning something new!
  • A parent, guardian, or designate must always be present when children are attending. Our workshops are kid-friendly, and we intend to keep them that way, but we ask that someone is present to provide for the child if they require assistance or supervision. The workshop content is intended for adult learners so children younger than 16 years may struggle.
  • Please plan to spend the day with us. We want you to get the most from your experience, and that comes with participation and engagement throughout the day and across the different modules. We promise to wrap up before it gets too late, and typically end sessions around 4 pm.

We will communicate any specific requirements and venue access information and room details to you a few days ahead of the workshop. If your situation changes and you are no longer able to attend, please let us know by email at info@bcpoultryhealthnetwork.ca.

This project is supported through the Farmed Animal Disease program, delivered by the Investment Agriculture Foundation. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.